
JupyterHub is the latest web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data. Its flexible interface allows users to configure and arrange workflows in data science, scientific computing, computational journalism, and machine learning. Languages such as Python, R, and Julia are available along with Pandas, PyTorch, and TensorFlow libraries.

TIDE JupyterHub users are allocated 50 GB (gigabytes) of JupyterHub storage (campus-specific amounts may differ). If you need additional space, please see Requesting Storage. To check your storage in use, refer to the Check Disk Quota FAQ.

Launch TIDE JupyterHub

Using JupyterLab

JupyterLab is a versatile interactive development environment (IDE) widely used for computing and research across various disciplines. It allows users to create and manage Jupyter notebooks, code, and data visualizations in a single interface. TIDE users perform research and develop code in this simple, yet powerful browser-based IDE.

For those unfamiliar with JupyterLab, refer to these resources:

Otherwise, continue to the Quickstart instructions.

Next Steps

Next, navigate to the Getting Access page for more information on accessing your specific JupyterHub portal.