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Getting Access

In order to run containers on TIDE, you will need an account with the National Research Platform and you will need to be added to a namespace. A namespace allows its members to share access to containers, enabling collaboration.

In addition to the written directions below, we’ve recorded a video walkthrough for getting an account and requesting access to a namespace.

Creating a National Research Platform Portal Account

The National Research Platform (NRP) portal will automatically create you an account once you login with your CSU-specific login credentials. Follow these steps to sign into the NRP portal:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Login in the top right corner
    • Nautilus Portal webpage
  3. You will be greeted by a CILogon page
    • CILogon webpage
  4. Click the dropdown in the Identity Provider section and search for your institution
    • Search Your Institution
  5. Click the checkbox for “Remember this selection”
    • Check remember this selection
  6. Click Log On
    • Log on
  7. You will be greeted by a login page
    • Institution Login page
  8. Enter your CSU-specific credentials
    • Institution credentials
  9. Click Login
    • Institution Login
  10. Complete any multi-factor authentication (if prompted)
    • DUO Push Notification
  11. You should now be redirected to the NRP Portal and you should see your CSU email in the top right corner
    • Note: You may not see as many options in the top navigation, as the screenshot below is from an admin account
    • Signed in NRP Portal
  12. Read and accept the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) at the home page
    • Note: You’ll need to re-accept this policy every 12 months to maintain your access
    • Nautilus Portal AUP
  13. Verify that you’ve agreed to the AUP
    • Nautilus Portal AUP Accepted

Congratulations! You now have an NRP account and you’re one step closer to running containers.

NRP Portal tasks:

  1. Peruse the namespaces
    • It may be easiest to use your browser’s find tool (ctrl + f / cmd + f)
    • Search for “tide-“ to see TIDE related namespaces
      • TIDE Namepaces
  2. Download your kube config
    • You will need to sign in with CILogon again
    • The file should download and you should see the following screen
      • kube config file
    • Open your terminal and run the following command:
      • mkdir ~/.kube
    • Copy your config file into the ~/.kube folder (replace the path below for your config file):
      • cp ~/Downloads/config ~/.kube/config
    • Check to make sure your config file copied successfully:
      • ls ~/.kube

Requesting Access to a Namespace

Now that you have signed into the NRP Portal, the TIDE team can add you to a namespace which will allow you to run containers on TIDE.

Submit the TIDE Support form with the request type as “Namespace Access or Issue”.

After you submit the form a member of the TIDE team will follow up and add you to the desired namespace.

Next Steps

Once you have an NRP account and have been added to a namespace, continue to the Quickstart to run your first container on TIDE.