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This documentation assumes that you have:

  • Completed the Getting Access walk-through
  • Familiarity with the Linux terminal
  • Familiarity with text editors (vi, emacs, etc.)

Containers and Kubernetes

At a high-level, containers are packaged software applications containing all of their dependencies like the operating system (OS), file structures, configuration and other code libraries.

Containers offer many benefits but here we list a few of the most impactful ones:

  1. Isolated Runtime Environments
    • Two or more containers running on the same system do not affect one another.
  2. Portability
    • The same container can be run on a laptop, on the cloud, or on TIDE without being modified.
  3. Consistency
    • The same container given the same input will produce the same output.

Kubernetes, often shortened to ‘k8s’, is a container orchestration platform for “automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.” If you are familiar with more traditional HPC systems, you can think of Kubernetes like a workload manager (i.e. Slurm). Similar to workload managers, Kubernetes allows us to make requests for resources like CPUs, GPUs and memory to run our programs. Kubernetes wraps a container in a pod, the smallest Kubernetes compute unit, which is then scheduled and run on the cluster. It is important to note that pods are ephemeral and once a pod is deleted everything inside the pod is deleted – meaning any data downloaded, content generated or files modified. Make sure to transfer data that you want to save out of the pod before deleting it.

Running Containerized Software on TIDE

Running The Test Repository

Follow these steps to get a copy of the repo cloned to your local machine and then examine the files to get familiar with them.

  1. From your local machine, pull up a terminal window and run this command to get a copy of the repository:
    • git clone
  2. Change directory into the hello-csu directory and then list the files:
    • cd hello-csu
    • ls -la
  3. View the contents of the file using cat; you should see the following:
     csu = """
     ,----..    .--.--.
     /   /   \  /  /    '.          ,--,
     |   :     :|  :  /`. /        ,'_ /|
     .   |  ;. /;  |  |--`    .--. |  | :
     .   ; /--` |  :  ;_    ,'_ /| :  . |
     ;   | ;     \  \    `. |  ' | |  . .
     |   : |      `----.   \|  | ' |  | |
     .   | '___   __ \  \  |:  | | :  ' ;
     '   ; : .'| /  /`--'  /|  ; ' |  | '
     '   | '/  :'--'.     / :  | : ;  ; |
     |   :    /   `--'---'  '  :  `--'   \
     \   \ .'              :  ,      .-./
     `---`                 `--`----'
     print(f"Hello there,\n{csu}")
    • This program is a simple variation on the typical Hello, World program with a bit of ascii art
  4. Open the Dockerfile using vi Dockerfile; you should see the following:
     FROM python:3
     WORKDIR /usr/src/app
     COPY /usr/src/app/
     CMD ["python3", ""]
    • This is a Dockerfile which defines a container image
    • This container image is based on the Python 3 image and it copies our program into the container and then runs it
    • Type :q to exit the vi editor
  5. Open the Kubernetes manifest file hello-pod.yaml; you should see the following:

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Pod
     name: hello-pod
     - name: hellopod
         resources:  # NOTE: CPU/RAM limit may not exceed 1.2x (20%) of request size
             memory: 100Mi
             cpu: 100m
             memory: 100Mi
             cpu: 100m
         command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"]
             - matchExpressions:
             - 'key': ''
                 'operator': 'In'
                 'values': ["true"]
         - effect: NoSchedule
         operator: Exists
         - effect: NoSchedule
         operator: Exists
    • Kubernetes manifests are defined in the YAML file format
    • At first glance there is a lot going on in this file, but for now we will focus on these three things:
      1. kind: Pod
        • This specifies the kind of Kubernetes object, in this case a pod but we could also specify other Workload Resources like jobs or deployments
      2. image:
        • This is the container image which the container will be based on
      3. command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"]
        • This is the linux command, passed in as a string array, to be executed once the container is running inside the pod
        • Typically a pod will be deleted after its command(s) have finished executing, but in this case we have a never-ending command so that we have time to log into and examine the pod as it is running

Now that we have explored the files, let’s talk about how this all comes together. First, we have the simple Python program, which we could execute on any machine with Python 3 installed. Then we take that Python program and put it into a container image with the Dockerfile, which is based on the Python 3 image and thus has Python 3 pre-installed. At this point we can build the container image, or in this example use the pre-built image, and run a container on a container runtime like Docker. Lastly we wrap this container in a Kubernetes pod in the hello-pod.yaml. At this point, we have everything we need in order to schedule this pod to the Kubernetes cluster.

Scheduling the Pod

Now that we have the files cloned and an understanding of what they do, let’s schedule the pod on the Kubernetes cluster. Run the following commands in the terminal of your Kube Notebook:

  1. First, define an environment variable for your namespace:
    • ns=[namespace]
    • Note: Replace the namespace with yours and remove the brackets
  2. Tell Kubernetes to schedule and run your pod definition:
    • kubectl apply -f hello-pod.yaml -n $ns
    • You should see ouput similar to this
       pod/hello-pod created
  3. Check to see if your pod has been scheduled:
    • kubectl get pods -n $ns --watch
    • You may see output like this:
       hello-pod   0/1     Pending   0          12s
       hello-pod   1/1     Running   0          32s
    • Your pod is running once you see the READY column showing 1/1
    • Hit ctrl + c to stop watching the pods

At this point the pod is running our container and is executing the command specified in the pod YAML file: sleep infinity.

Accessing the Pod

Now that the pod is running, let’s get a bash shell on the container running in the pod:

  1. Tell Kubernetes to launch an interactive shell session using the bash shell
    • kubectl exec -it hello-pod -n $ns -- /bin/bash
    • You should see output similar to the following:
  2. Print the working directory
    • pwd
    • You should see the following:
    • The reason we are at this directory is because the container image’s Dockerfile specified the working directory with this line
       WORKDIR /usr/src/app
  3. List the files in the working directory:
    • ls -la
    • You should see the following:
       total 4
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  22 Jul 11 19:45 .
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  17 Jul 11 19:45 ..
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 348 Jul 11 19:45
  4. Now let’s execute our Python program:
    • python
    • You should see the following:
     Hello there,
     ,----..    .--.--.
     /   /   \  /  /    '.          ,--,
     |   :     :|  :  /`. /        ,'_ /|
     .   |  ;. /;  |  |--`    .--. |  | :
     .   ; /--` |  :  ;_    ,'_ /| :  . |
     ;   | ;     \  \    `. |  ' | |  . .
     |   : |      `----.   \|  | ' |  | |
     .   | '___   __ \  \  |:  | | :  ' ;
     '   ; : .'| /  /`--'  /|  ; ' |  | '
     '   | '/  :'--'.     / :  | : ;  ; |
     |   :    /   `--'---'  '  :  `--'   \
     \   \ .'              :  ,      .-./
     `---`                 `--`----'
  5. Let’s run the Python program again, but direct the output to a file:
    • python > hello.txt
  6. Verify the file was created:
    • ls -la
    • You should see the file hello.txt:
       total 8
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  23 Jul 13 18:22 .
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  17 Jul 11 19:45 ..
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 348 Jul 11 19:45
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 317 Jul 13 18:22 hello.txt
  7. Exit the bash shell from the container:
    • exit

At this point we have run our Python program and created an output file in the container running in our pod on the Kubernetes cluster.

Deleting the Pod

Now that we have run our program and generated some output, let’s get our data and then delete the pod.

Follow these steps using the terminal in your Kube Notebook:

  1. Copy the data from the container’s working directory to your Kube Notebook:
    • kubectl -n $ns cp hello-pod:/usr/src/app/hello.txt ./hello.txt
    • Note: The kubectl cp command is intended for small file transfers
  2. Check your local directory for the hello.txt file:
    • ls
    • You should see the file listed:
       Dockerfile  hello-pod.yaml  hello.txt
  3. Now, tell Kubernetes to delete the pod:
    • kubectl -n $ns delete -f hello-pod.yaml
    • You should see the following:
       pod "hello-pod" deleted
  4. Check to make sure the pod was deleted:
    • kubectl -n $ns get pods
    • You should see something similar to the following:
       No resources found in sdsu-joaquinmendoza namespace.

Now, as you might recall, we said that pods are ephemeral and everything in them gets deleted once the pod is deleted. Just to illustrate that point, let’s schedule the pod again and attach a bash shell to it.

  1. kubectl -n $ns apply -f hello-pod.yaml
  2. kubectl -n $ns exec -it hello-pod -- /bin/bash
  3. Now, check for the hello.txt file:
    • ls -la
       total 4
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  22 Jul 11 19:45 .
       drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  17 Jul 11 19:45 ..
       -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 348 Jul 11 19:45
    • Note that only the program is listed and that our hello.txt file is gone. The program is there because the container copies the program each time it is launched, as we specified in the Dockerfile.
  4. Exit the container
    • exit
  5. Tell Kubernetes to delete the pod:
    • kubectl -n $ns delete -f hello-pod.yaml

Congratulations! You’ve run your first pod on TIDE, run a program within the container and you’ve gotten some data back out. With that, you have the basics to be able to run containers on TIDE.

Next Steps

Try running your own software in this containerized approach by editing the YAML file.

Until then, you can also check out the National Research Platform’s documentation which has some good examples.